Monday, April 6, 2009

"The longest day (in our case weekend) ever"

I found this clip today of sweet little Randy Taylor and had to post it. This is exactly like what happened to us a few weeks ago…..minus the assumption of death….minus running away….plus a loving husband to comfort me and give me blessings….plus having to wait about 4 days for my CT scan results (booooo!)….ok so this wasn’t exactly like what happened, but we did find out that I have hypothyroidism. After several more tests we also found out that I don’t have a goiter or any kind of mass growing in my thyroid! Sweet!
So yes, this did mean I would have to take a small dose of thyroid replacement hormone every day, but I can totally live with that! Much better than surgery.
I think this was really a blessing in disguise. I had had some odd symptoms for a while and was starting to think I was a little paranoid. Well it turned out there really was something wrong and the medication has actually helped all of my symptoms a lot! Moral of the story? Trust your instincts.

Today I am thankful for:
Good health
A loving husband
Priesthood blessings
Prayers of family and friends
Answers to prayers
A loving Father in Heaven


Emily said...
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Emily said...

I'm SO sorry you had to go through that! I also have a hypothryoidism and it was awful before I finally got diagnosed. I went for 9 months with feeling extremely tired, no enegry, losing a ton of weight, hair loss, etc. The medicine does help, but I haven't felt like I am back to "normal". Good luck with everything!

remington and mindy said...

So I'm interested to hear about your symptoms. I at one point was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, but the last two times i've been tested it has been normal. Thyroid problems are genetic and my grandma has hypothyroidism. My doctor said that I might have a disease called Hoshimotos? I guess it goes in between both hyper and hypo. I would love to hear from you, you can email if you have time... thanks!

kallina said...

emily- I'm sorry you've had such a hard time with this as well. I hope things will get back to normal for you soon.
mindy- I didn't know you had this too! I'll email you!

Lindsay said...

Kalli, We are so glad that you're ok! We prayed A LOT for you and are also thankful for priesthood blessings and answers to prayers. We love you!

Toni said...

Hi Kalli! Haven't talked to you in forever! My sis-in-law was just diagnosed with hypothyroidism as well, and they got pregnant like the next month after taking her medication! Glad you're feeling better.

Emily said...

I'm just happy it turned out to be the thyroid and not something more serious! This problem is very common for us women. Once your levels even out on the medicine you'll start to feel more energized. How is your dad doing?! I still think he's the coolest bishop out there! :)

Emily said...

P.S. Mark STILL talks about how he thinks you are an amazing photographer! Which I have to agree seeing the beautiful pictures you've taken for Lindsay and Bryan. We might have to hire you for future work!

Melissa said...

Kalli! we had no idea that anything was even going on or we totally would have been praying too!! We're glad everything turned out well in the end though, and wish we could be closer for things like this. :( My family actually has a lot of problems with their thyroids too, (my mom, grandma, sister...), so it must be super common. Let us know if we can do anything! We miss you guys—and your photos are AMAZING!! as always. :) Thanks again for our family photos, we love love love them!!